Homework Spring 2
Hello Year One,
Below, you will find all the documents you need to complete your homework. Spellings and Takeaway homework options, as well as some information about reading.
'Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child's future success' OECD 2022.
The will to read influences the skill and vice versa.
Research suggests that the are three important ways in which you can support your child to develop a love of reading:
- book chats
- family reading time
- reading aloud
Mrs Colbourne-Payne
Files to Download
101 Challenges Letter Formation RWI 10 frame Year 1 Full Red Word List Handwriting Lines Year 1 Summer Fluency Maths Year 1 Spring Fluency Maths Supporting readers at home.pdf inspiring reading.pdf homework-overview-spring 1.doc y1-spring-term-takeaway-homework.docx homework-overview-spring-2.doc (1).doc