
Homework is the perfect opportunity to build those home / school relationships that we value so much here at Bunbury Aldersey.  However we don't agree with homework just for the sake of giving it.  Homework needs to have a purpose.

We believe that homework has the potential to raise standards by:

Increasing the time given for re-enforcing basic skills
Providing the opportunity to develop thinking skills and individuality
Extending coverage of the National Curriculum
Improving study skills
Improving attitudes to learning
Involving Parents in the learning process

Homework is set for children from Early Years through to Year Six

Our staff plan homework as an integral part of curriculum planning with clear links to class work. They know the importance of setting tasks matched to the abilities of pupils, following up with children and parents when there are difficulties over the completion and return of homework, ensuring that homework is marked or checked as appropriate.

Homework set may be to consolidate class work, to leave pupils to pursue their own lines of enquiry or practice a specific skill. The tasks may include factual or imaginative writing, reading, spelling, learning, revising, illustration, research, practical activities or even thinking. Some homework may be set and handed in via our virtual learning environment.

There are many ways in which you as parents / carers can help your child: encouraging and supporting, checking presentation, handwriting and spelling, testing what has been set to learn, listening to reading, asking about research or topic work, and encouraging a prompt return of work into school. These are all ways of helping and supporting your child to appreciate the importance of homework, and see homework as an extension to class work.

Of course, children work at different speeds and so doing homework can take longer for some than others. If there is a repeated problem over homework, we encourage parents / carers to get in touch with your child’s Class Teacher. Similarly, we shall get in touch with you if we feel there are frequent problems over homework which you could help us resolve.

We ask that you support us in seeing that homework is done conscientiously, in the best possible conditions and returned promptly to school.

Learning logs 

What is a learning log?

A learning log is a personal, reflective journal in which children can record their knowledge and understanding in whatever way they feel is most helpful.  Learning logs give pupils the opportunity to apply in much greater detail what they have been learning in school for that day or week.  Pupils can record their learning, their thoughts or their feelings. The log can also become a useful revision tool for pupils.

Why use learning logs?

Learning logs  make homework more fun and  encourage children to extend and consolidate the learning that has taken place in school in a more creative and independent way.  Ofsted inspectors and schools already using learning logs have praised this approach to making homework more effective and enjoyable and enabling pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development.

What if they get it wrong?

If the task has a right or wrong answer, such as a mathematical problem, then it will be marked in the normal manner. Because many of the learning log tasks are personalised, there is no right or wrong way of approaching a task.  Each pupil has the freedom to express their understanding in any way they like – they may choose to draw a picture or a mind map or a piece of writing. We hope that this will lead to:

Ownership and a sense of pride
An inclusive approach to homework, catering for all needs and abilities
Homework that is child directed rather than teacher directed
Children being creative and imaginative, with no boundaries
Children having the opportunity to return to a task and build upon their learning and understanding

If your child does not understand the task or has not grasped the learning objective, simply return the logbook to school with your comments and the teacher will explain the task and offer individual support and feedback.

How long should children spend on the learning log?

Children can spend as long as they wish completing the learning logs. Some children may wish to add to it daily, others may prefer to complete it in one session.  Government guidelines suggest that years 3 and 4 should spend approximately 15–20 minutes per night and pupils in years 5 and 6 should spend approximately 30 minutes per night. Parents and staff may use the learning log to comment on the amount of time and effort that has gone into the task.

How can parents help?

Learning logs are intended to improve the partnership between school and home.  We need your support to make this venture a success.  Parents are encouraged to make comments in their child’s log, as you would in a reading record book or homework diary.  Children will be encouraged to record what they know and understand about a concept they have been taught in school. At home this means:

Giving children time to talk about the task and explain what they understand
Offering ideas about how they might present their work, but encouraging independence
Ensuring there is time and space to work without distractions
Supplying materials if your child wishes to have a creative approach to his/her learning journal

How can we find out more about learning logs?

Learning logs are in their infancy at Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School and we expect them to develop and evolve over time.  If you wish to gain more information about learning logs and to see how other schools are using them very successfully, visit www.learninglogs.co.uk. Please get in touch with your child’s class teacher if you have any comments to make about your child’s learning log.  We welcome your feedback.

Useful websites:

Here is a selection of games and online learning resources we thought you'd like! Don't forget to ask your parents permission first.

Note to parents: Whilst we are careful about the links we suggest on our website, if you click on a link that takes you away from this site we can not be held responsible for that website's content.

www.crickweb.co.uk  have a wide range of games for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 for literacy, mathematics, science, history, geography, DT and French.


www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize have a range of KS1 ans KS2 games fir literacy, mathematics and science.



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Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk