Other Useful Information

Homework Programme

Each child will receive a reading diary and homework book in order to complete homework tasks.

Reading – daily reading is given a high priority from reception to year 6. Children across the school will be expected to read at least 5 times per week. Reading entries will be recorded in a reading diary which all the children will be provided with.

Spelling – Children will receive a spelling list of age appropriate high frequency words at the start of each term to learn.

Mathletics – Children will receive weekly online maths tasks related to learning which has taken place that week in school.  Points can be earned and certificates issued, all points refresh on Mondays.  If you misplace your child’s login details please speak with your child’s class teacher.

Times tables – Children will receive specific times tables to learn in each year group.

Home learning projects – As part of our inclusive curriculum, all classes will be asked to complete a home learning project once a half term. These projects, take away homework, are linked to the class learning theme and children have a choice of which task they wish to complete at home.


Behavior / Peg System

In school we follow 4 simple rules:

  1. We are kind and polite to others
  2. We do as we are asked first time
  3. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves
  4. We respect school and our own property

Should the children break a rule they be reminded of the rule broken and their peg will be moved.  Should this continue, their peg will be moved through to amber and then red.  They may be sent to an alternative class before being sent to the head teacher.


House Teams

When joining Bunbury all children are allocated a House Team.  They will remain in this team throughout their schooling, siblings are placed within the same team.  During the week can be rewarded with team points, these are monitored and discussed during celebration assembly and termly treats are awarded to the winning house. The children also work within their house teams on Sports Day.  The teams are as follows:

Aldersey        -           Blue                            Edgerton        -           Yellow

Calveley        -           Red                             Beeston         -           Green



Children come together for assembly each day.  From Monday to Thursday these take place in the afternoon before the school day finishes.  On a Friday we hold a celebration assembly at 10am, where parents are welcome to join us.  Please inform the school office on admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk if you wish to attend.


Church Services

During certain times of the school year, special services will be held at St.Boniface Church in Bunbury.  All parent/carers are welcome and we ask for volunteers to help walk the children safely to and from church.


After School Sports Competitions

Throughout the school year, various sporting events take place after school or on occasion during the school day.  These are held at Tarporley High School as part of the Sandstone Sports Association.  If your child is invited to attend, you will receive notification prior to the event by letter with a permission slip attached for you to return.  X-country events are exception to this, where all children from the relevant year groups are encouraged to take part.


After School Clubs

Please see our website under virtual office for an up to date timetable of clubs offered after school and during lunchtime.  Clubs are ran by staff members, parent volunteers and external club providers and can change termly. 


Music Tuition

Music for Life is an external service which provides, for a cost, instrumental tuition from Year 2 pupils and above.  Please visit Music for life for more information.


Free school meals and pupil premium

Please follow the link below to our school website for further details http://www.bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk/page/pupil-premium/17220


Childcare vouchers

Please follow the link for further information and eligibility https://www.gov.uk/childcare-calculator


Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk