Paperless Office

We have a totally paperless approach to communication with parents/carers.

All letters including educational visits, newsletters, menu's, after school club booking forms etc will be emailed to parents/carers.

We will also continue to use our text messaging service to send you reminders.  

The whole school Twitter and Facebook accounts will provide updates to all parents/carers.

A wide range of information can be found on our website from whats happening in class to viewing the calendar for an up to date list of events, including school holidays and inset days.  Letters, forms and policies can be found on the Virtual Office tab.

We encourage parents/carers to pay online for their school services to minimise the time taken by staff to process cash and cheques. If you pay for educational visits online, you do not need to return the reply slip as permission is given when you tick the parental consent box before payment.

It is important that you inform the office if you change your email address or mobile phone number so you continue to receive communications from us. 

If there are other items you would like to see on our website, please email the office.

Should you require any item of correspondence we will print this for you on request, free of charge.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Mrs Waring

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or