Clubs (afterschool)

Further below is the timetable for our after school clubs, which will commence during the second week of the summer term. Bookings for all clubs will open during week 1.

No clubs will roll-over, if you would like your child to attend a club, you must book their place via spider. Sports Club and Science Club are only bookable for the 1st half of term as they will switch key stage after the half term break for fairness.  We also have some new clubs starting, information on these clubs is further below.

All clubs (bar 2), will commence during week 2 following the initial booking period during week 1. 

Please be aware that no clubs will run during School Fest week (w/c 8th July).


All clubs have limited availability and bookings are on a first come, first served basis. All bookings should be made online via school spider, please ensure you check the timetable for the opening day and time of your chosen club. 


For clubs requiring payment - you will be emailed further instruction regarding the payment method once the booking forms have closed. Please make payment as soon as possible.  


For clubs that are free to join - you will not receive confirmation of your child’s place; if you are able to make a booking on spider, then they do have a place. If a club exceeds its allocated places available, it will be removed from spider and therefore cannot be booked.  In this instance, should you still wish to have a place, please email admin to be added to a waiting list.


  • Gardening club will commence later in the summer term


  • Science club will switch to KS2 after the half term


  • Sports club will switch to KS1 after the half term


ASC summer term(1).JPG




Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or