OFSTED Reports

Dear Parents/ Carers

As you will be aware the school received a full Section 5 inspection on January 8th and 9th this year, 2020. The inspection was carried out under the new framework which came into force in September 2019. I am pleased to attach our full report to this letter and am extremely delighted with the outcome which displays us as a ‘Good’ School with outstanding features.

Standards within the Ofsted grading system, which range from inadequate to outstanding, have once again been raised in the new framework and the expectations within each category are extremely high. Schools now have to meet all the criteria for good and outstanding, under each category, to be awarded an outstanding judgement for each section.

Schools are now judged under the following headings: Quality of Education, Early Years, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development and Leadership and management. An overall effectiveness judgement is then awarded taking into account all these areas.

Unlike previous inspections the new methodology focused on:

  • ï‚·  The overall 'quality of education', at the school. This means that they will take the focus away from academic outcomes (how well children do in exams) and concentrate as well on the curriculum provision from EYFS to year 6.

  • ï‚·  Conducting education-focused rather than data-focused inspections.

  • ï‚·  Separating pupils' "personal development" from "behaviour and attitudes".

    Academic outcomes are still a core part of Ofsted's inspection framework. Adding to that a judgement on how well a school designs and teaches its curriculum, and an assessment of how well it develops the pupils personally helps Ofsted to ensure they investigate what it is like to be a pupil at that school.

    As you can see from our report we were judged to be outstanding in 3 out of 5 categories. An achievement I am so incredibly proud of as Principal of Bunbury and a fitting judgement for all the hard work, enthusiasm, dedication and commitment from the Bunbury team.
    I am sure you will join me in thanking all the staff for all they have done, all they do and all they will continue to do for your children.

    Organising further training needs, for some staff, in the teaching of history and reading comprehension meant that the school narrowly missed the outstanding judgement for leadership and management and quality of education, which would have led to an overall outstanding judgement. Although we achieved 3 out of 5 sections to be outstanding, the schools overall judgment is ‘Good’.

    Whilst such a judgment is extremely pleasing it certainly does not mean that as a school we will stand still. At Bunbury School we know that children get one chance at education and for this reason we as a team will continue to pursue the best quality of education we can for you and your children.

    Many thanks for your continued support

    N M Badger Principal 





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Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk