Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs McShane

Year 2 Teacher

Ms Charlesworth

At the heart of everything is a personalised approach to each unique individual as part of our Christian Community. The strong family ethos ensures that all children and staff feel valued, respected and grow in self-confidence. Enthusiastic and caring staff with high expectations, demonstrate care of the whole child. Through God’s guidance we encourage each and every child to 'let their light shine.'


Welcome back to Y2

Mrs Colbourne-Payne and Ms Charlesworth are your teachers in Y2. Mrs Colbourne-Payne teaches from Monday to Thursday and Ms Charlesworth on Fridays. We are very lucky to also have Mrs Carline supporting us every day.

Our topic for this term is 'How can we look after our environment and community?' and we will be exploring this in a variety of ways across all areas of the curriculum which you will find outlined below in our summer term topic web below. Our class texts for this term are The Last Wolf by Mini Grey and Grandpa's Secret Giant by David Litchfield.











PE lessons will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. We ask that you wear your full PE kit to school on these days and please ensure that all items are labelled. 



Our Class Charter

As a rights respecting school, one of the first activities completed in September is our Class Charter. The children choose a number of articles which they feel must be met at school. It is then discussed how the adults (duty bearers) and the pupils (rights holders) in school ensure that these rights are met. Have a look at our class charter below.



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Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or