Rural Church Schools Academy Trust - RCSAT


A Caring Christian Family Where We Grow Together
Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16

RCSAT  is a multi academy trust situated in rural Cheshire, bringing together three rural Church of England Primary Schools:

Bunbury Aldersey
St. Oswald’s Worleston 

These three schools have come together to form an equal partnership in a Multi-Academy Trust, sharing specialist and administration services, as well as developing leadership, governance and best practice in teaching and learning, wholly for the benefit of the pupils in our schools. The additional capability brought about by bringing schools into a single grouping brings opportunities for specialised leadership and support across the RCSAT, such as SENCO, subject leaders, curriculum themes and flexibility, combined governance and the development of inter-school sporting and other competitiveness.

Directors, local governors, teaching and non-teaching staff care passionately about the care and development of all the pupils in our schools, doing our utmost to ensure that they thrive in their lives, develop the thirst, the excitement and the skills to learn holistically and to embrace being a part of our “family”. Our ethos is strongly Christian and we welcome all who share that ethos.

Our Mission Statement defines us:

Our Schools rejoice in their foundation as Church of England schools. The Christian ethos is both implicit and explicit in our practice, policies and procedures. Our Christian distinctiveness is evident everywhere; from the entrance, and the Bible verses displayed throughout the school, to the children’s exemplary behaviour. Our values are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and are theological and inclusive. They permeate the children’s whole experience and are at the heart of our curriculum and school life in order for them to thrive in the wider world.

We believe that we have capacity in our structure to bring other schools into our “family” that would share our ethos and mission. We would welcome enquiries to join RCSAT from any schools, whether they are church schools or otherwise, and we will treat such enquiries confidentially and kindly, but with a sound business approach and careful assessment.

We hope that you enjoy browsing our website and look forward to any comments you may have.
God’s blessings to you all.

Piers Bostock
Chair of RCSAT

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or