Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Dewsbury

Mrs Cowap



At the heart of everything is a personalised approach to each unique individual as part of our Christian Community. The strong family ethos ensures that all children and staff feel valued, respected and grow in self-confidence. Enthusiastic and caring staff with high expectations, demonstrate care of the whole child. Through God’s guidance we encourage each and every child to 'let their light shine'.


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to our page. We extend a warm invitation to explore our class documents, information and updates and hope that you find them useful.

"Let Your Light Shine before others, so they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16).

In Year 3 we have talked about being and celebrating the best version of own unique selves; letting our light shine so that we can be a guiding light in the darkness for others. 

Our Christian Values are at the heart of everything we do and every choice we make across the school and the trust. This half term, we are focusing on Justice

Transitioning into Key Stage 2

To support our class in the important transition into the Juniors, our classroom is a place of happiness and hard work where we firmly believe that teamwork, self-control and kindness is the key to being the best that we can be. Our needs-based approach means we utilise a calm space, a concentration station, movement and/or brain breaks, curriculum-based outdoor learning, active learning and cooperative learning structures to help us develop skills to further self-regulation and metacognition. 

What are we learning about?

Our Conncected Curriculum means that learning can transcend the boundaries of individual subjects, allowing students to explore a wider spectrum of knowledge and discover where that knowledge intersects. It promotes a comprehensive view of the topics covered and an holistic understanding of the world around us. See our Topic Web and Knowledge Organisers for more details. For an in-depth look at our Curriculum, please see our Year 3 Curriculum Booklet.

Spring Term Topic - Under The Surface

Get ready to rock and roll through history and science! We’ll dig deep into the world of rocks and fossils, unearthing secrets buried for millions of years. From cracking the code of Stone Age survival to striking gold (or rather, bronze!) with ancient technologies, we’ll forge ahead into the Iron Age with all its fortifications. Along the way, we’ll flex our muscles learning how skeletons and joints help us move and uncover the recipe for a balanced diet that fuels our adventures. It’s a "sedimentary" journey that’s anything but boring!



In Year 3, we want to encourage a love of words and reading as we move towards becoming free readers who are self-motivated to pick up a book. In our classroom, we have a comfy reading corner and library where we can choose from fiction and non-fiction. From Diary of a Wimpy Kid, How to Train your Dragon and The Worst Witch to topic-related books. We also have a collcection of books on growth minset, emotional literacy and self-regulation. This is in addition to the much larger main school library, which we can access at lunchtimes.  

At home, children are expected to read 5 times a week and a record of this is kept in the reading record and signed by an adult. Reading reccords will be checked at school to this effect. Consistent practice in reading is the key to improvement not only in reading, but in their writing and spelling as well. Based on these reading records and regular benchmarking we have our reading rewards wall where students are rewarded for reading their consistency and improvement.

We understand that not every child is self-motivated to read. Reluctant readers may benefit from: designated and consistent timeslots , 1:1 uninterupted time with an adult, reading before bed, I read - you read, following along with a finger while you read, reading to a younger sibling, reading a page by themselves before reading outloud. A fun ruler or narrow beam torch to help them follow along, reading outside in a quiet, comfy spot. Scan the text first for any tricky words they don't know and practice the pronounciation  together before they start reading so that they're less likely to lose their flow and confidence.

Unfortunately there is no 'quick fix' with reading - the more we read, the more we will improve!

Everything can be an excuse to engage with reading including graphic novels, audiobooks, magazines, read alouds, subtitles on youtube/film/tv, recipes, shopping lists, signs and leaflets, the back of a cereal box! 


Our PE classes are scheduled for Thursdays and Fridays. Please ensure that children have warm and waterproof clothing as we head into the winter months.


You will find all of the documents you need for completing your homework in the tab at the top of this page. 
This is where you will now find all of the spelling sheets, homework sheets and fluency grid for the children to practice.

Please note: the spellings in Table 1 on the page 'Weekly Spelling Homework' are the words that will be in our spelling test. The spellings in Table 2 are the National Curriculum statutory spellings and we ask that these are learnt in addition to the spelling test words in Table 1. These will not be formally assesed in a spelling test, but will be assessed in their writing as and when they crop up.


Our Class Charter

As a rights respecting school, we wholeheartely believe in educating children about their rights and  one of the first activities completed in September is to write our Class Charter. The children choose a number of articles which they feel must be met at school. It is then discussed how the adults (duty bearers) and the pupils (rights holders) in school ensure that these rights are met. Have a look at our class charter below:

                                                                                                             Y3 final.jpg



Please do send children in warm, waterproof clothing with layers to take off and suncream if we are lucky with the weather! They will also need a backback to carry these layers, their lunch and their bottle of water.

We kindly ask that children do not bring extra objects from home such as toys, games, notepads or money. This is to prevent them being lost or damaged and so that children don't have additional weight in backpacks as they walk around.






Should you wish to get in touch, please contact us via the office to request a phonecall or arrange a meeting:

Kind Regards, 

Mrs Dewsbury








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