Our school’s approach to RHSE follows that of the Church of England Education Office in that it seeks to be faith-sensitive and inclusive. It is underpinned by two key Biblical passages:

“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them” (Genesis 2:7)

“I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)

The Church of England’s Pastoral Advisory Group has set out some principles for living well together, accommodating difference and diversity within churches, especially in relation to LGBTI+ people, which provide helpful context and principles for schools. Church of England schools should ensure that their RSHE curriculum protects, informs and nurtures all pupils. It should clearly differentiate between factual teaching (biology, medicine, the law, marriage, different types of families and the composition of society) and moral teaching about relationships and values, recognising that the distinction can be easily blurred and there needs to be discernment about the manner in which this is taught within a moral (but not moralistic) framework.

In Bunbury Aldersey C of E Primary School, everyone will be treated with dignity as all people are made in the image of God and are loved equally by God.

All pupils have a right to an education which enables them to flourish and is set in a learning community where differences of lifestyle and opinion (within that which is permissible under UK law) are treated with dignity and respect; where bullying of all kinds is eliminated; and where they are free to be themselves and fulfil their potential without fear.

Our school seeks to ensure that the RSHE curriculum protects, informs and nurtures all pupils. It clearly differentiates between factual teaching (biology, medicine, the law, marriage, different types of families and the composition of society) and moral teaching about relationships and values, recognising that the distinction can be easily blurred and that there needs to be discernment about the manner in which this is taught. We teach RSHE within a moral (but not moralistic) framework.

RSHE at Bunbury Alderset C of E Primary School is about what constitutes wellbeing and loving care for ourselves (Physical and Mental Health Education), how we show loving care for others (Relationships Education) and, when at an appropriate age and stage in life, how we show loving care to those we choose to be intimate with, including within marriage (Sex Education).

It is also about the spiritual and moral aspects of healthy, loving and nurturing relationships within a context of a Christian vision for the purpose of life. We will use the guidance and resources from DFE/ No Outsiders/ Heartsmart / Christopher Winters and to ensure our teaching is in line with the Church of England’s guidance.

These resources seek to help children and young people to understand and abound in goodness and mercy: in their relationship with themselves, with others and with intimate partners so that they may have “Life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)

By the end of Year 6 children will be taught to:

  • Respect others, even when they are different from them, and expect to be treated with respect by others

  • Understand the importance of self-respect and how it links to their own happiness

  • Understand and know the benefits of diversity

  • Have an awareness of stereotypes and about prejudice, and how to recognise behaviours/actions which discriminate against others; ways of responding to it if witnessed or experienced

  • Know about different family structures and how they can all provide love, security and stability, even in times of difficulty

  • Know: characteristics of healthy relationships; boundaries within different relationships; how to maintain, repair and restore relationships; how to recognise if relationships are making them feel unhappy; and how to seek help and advice from others when needed

  • Know appropriate, inappropriate, and unsafe physical, and other, contact with children and adults

  • Know how to ask for advice or help, until their concern is heard, in a variety of contexts

  • Know how to keep safe in a variety of contexts, be able to identity when situations are becoming risky or unsafe and how to respond in an emergency

  • Understand the impact of bullying, the responsibility of bystanders and know how to get help, if necessary

  • Show courtesy and manners

  • Know that mental health, just like physical health, is a part of daily life and know strategies to respond to feelings

  • Know the benefits of medicines and vaccines, and recognise laws surrounding legal and illegal drugs

  • Understand the process of reproduction and birth as part of the human life cycle

  • Recognise and understand the importance of shared responsibility for keeping the environment clean

  • Be aware of the benefits and dangers of the internet, recognise risks and harmful content, and know how to report issues

  • Know texts and images on the media can be manipulated and know strategies to evaluate the reliability of sources and identify misinformation

  • Be aware of different attitudes to saving and spending money and understand associated risks

Our school aims and values underpin the ways in which we ensure a whole school approach to provide an effective taught curriculum for all our pupils and a sensitive response to pastoral issues. We believe that pupils have an entitlement to learn about sex and relationships as part of the wider PSHE provision. We acknowledge the vital role of parents and seek to support them through on-going consultation and ensuring that the policy reflects their views. We aim to meet the needs of all our pupils and respond to the range of cultures and sexual diversity.

At Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary we seek to provide Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (RSHE), which will enable all pupils to flourish.

We commit:

  1. To work in partnership with parents and carers.This will involve dialogue with parents and carers through all stages of policy development as well as discussing the resources used to teach their children and how they can contribute at home. It must, however, be recognised that the law specifies that what is taught and how it is taught is ultimately a decision for the school. (Original policy agreed through consultation with all stakeholders in February 2020)

  2. That RSHE will be delivered professionally and as an identifiable part of PSHE. It will be led,resourced and reported to parents in the same way as any other subject. There will be a planned programme delivered in a carefully sequenced way. Staff will receive regular training in RSHE and PSHE. Any expert visitors or trainers invited into the school to enhance and supplement the programme will be expected to respect the schools published policy for RSHE.

  3. That RSHE will be delivered in away that affords dignity and shows respect to all who make up our diverse community. It will not discriminate against any of the protected characteristics in the Equality Act and will be sensitive to the faith and beliefs of those in the wider school community. RSHE will seek to explain fairly the tenets and varying interpretations of religious communities on matters of sex and relationships and teach these viewpoints with respect. It will value the importance of faithfulness as the underpinning and backdrop for relationships. It will encourage pupils to develop the skills needed to disagree without being disagreeable, to appreciate the lived experience of other people and to live well together.

  4. That RSHE will seek to build resilience in our pupils to help them form healthy relationships, to keep themselves safe and resist the harmful influence of pornography in all its forms. It will give pupils opportunities to reflect on values and influences including their peers, the media, the internet, faith and culture that may have shaped their attitudes to gender, relationships and sex. It will promote the development of the wisdom and skills our pupils need to make their own informed decisions.

  5. That RSHE will promote healthy resilient relationships set in the context of character and virtue development. It will reflect the vision and associated values of the school, promote reverence for the gift of human sexuality and encourage relationships that are hopeful and aspirational. Based on the school’s values it will seek to develop character within a moral framework based on virtues such as honesty, integrity, self- control, courage, humility, kindness, forgiveness, generosity and a sense of justice but does not seek to teach only one moral position.

  6. That RSHE will be based on honest and medically accurate information from reliable sources of information, including about the law and legal rights. It will distinguish between different types of knowledge and opinions so that pupils can learn about their bodies and sexual and reproductive health as appropriate to their age and maturity.

  7. Totakeaparticularcaretomeettheindividualneedsofallpupilsincludingthosewithspecialneedsand disabilities. It will ensure that lessons and any resources used will be accessible and sensitive to the learning needs of the individual child. We acknowledge the potential vulnerability of pupils who have special needs and disabilities (SEND) and recognise the possibilities and rights of SEND pupils to high quality relationships and sex education.

  8. To seek pupils’ views about RSHE so that the teaching can be made relevant to their lives. It will discuss real life issues relating to the age and stage of pupils, including friendships, families, faith, consent, relationship abuse, exploitation and safe relationships online. This will be carefully targeted and age appropriate based on a teacher judgment about pupil readiness for this information in consultation with parents and carers.

We as a school will work closely with parents and carers to raise the awareness of the breadth of RHSE, how and when it is taught in school. The policy and programme of work is available to all parents and carers upon request. We acknowledge the right of parents/carers to withdraw their child from the Sex Education aspects of the RHSE programme. However, we encourage all parents who have concerns to discuss these with the Principal. The right to withdraw refers only to the Sex Education element of RSHE. Parents are not able to withdraw their child from Relationships or Health Education.

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Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or