Homework Spring 2

Hello Year 6, 

Below, you will find all the documents you need to complete your homework. 

Please ask if you have any questions!

Mrs Haydock



'Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child's future success' OECD 2022.

The will to read influences the skill and vice versa.

Research suggests that the are three important ways in which you can support your child to develop a love of reading:

  • book chats
  • family reading time
  • reading aloud

Book recommendations

The following are good places to find new exciting texts and widen your reading repertoire: 

BookMatch | The Reader Teacher

To help children branch out, the reader teacher offers some excellet suggestions for fans of a range of well loved authors. 


Every month, a guest recommends three books. It is great way to stay up to date with some of the best current literature for children. They also provide lists of award-winning books and shortlists which you can explore together. 


Another great resource is the Norfolk Children's Book Centre who publish booklists on the site below. 




Use your TT Rockstars account to practise timetables. In addition, you can also use your yellow homework books for timetables practise. 

The link below is to a website where you can create the worksheets that we use in school to practise for the weekly 5-minute timetables test:

There are also fluency grids for maths which will help your child with their basic skills practice. 

MyMaths is our online homework resource for the children. This will be set weekly linked to what we are learning in class. Certificates are rewarded at the end of each term, your child must have completed all pieces of assigned work (they may attempt each task more than once).


You will also find your child's weekly spellings based on the spelling rules we are learning in class and the children will be tested on Thursdays. There are also the Y5/6 statutory spellings on the homework sheet which the children should continue practicing throughout the half term.

Takeaway Homework

Please choose one task from the Takeaway homework sheet below, this will be handed in on Wednesday 2nd April.


CGP book homework 

Grammar - pg 48-51

Mathspg 48-51

Reading Fiction -  The Old Photograph pg 30-31

Files to Download

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary and Nursery School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk