Year 3 Homework
Hello Year 3,
Welcome to our homework page. All of our homework documents are attached below for this half term, you should be able to find everything you need.
Please find in files the Weekly Spellings sheet for testing on Thursdays. They are labelled with the different spelling groups.
The weekly spellings list is in addition to the suggested spellings from the high frequency statutory spellings as outlined in the termly homework sheet. Please note that whilst these aren't tested as a spelling test, they are regularly assessed within English writing and affect the overall attainment assessment in writing.
Times Tables
Don't forget to keep practicing your 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s and 8s timestables on TT Rockstars . You can also use Purple Mash and Hit The Button - Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
BBC Bitesize also have great educational games
The link below is the website where you can create the worksheets to practise for the weekly 5 minute timestables test:
Times Tables PDF Worksheet Quiz Generator -
Maths homework (MyMaths)
As you may be aware, as a school we have changed from Mathletics to MyMaths as our online homework resource for the children, I will set weekly lessons, in the same way as we did previously with Mathletics - this will all be linked to what we are learning in class. This is a great way to help support your child at home with their Maths learning and it's also an engaging, fun and interactive way of learning.
Follow the link to login using your child's details (which can be found in their reading record) - School login - MyMaths
Takeaway Homework
Please choose one takeaway homework option and bring it to school to share and show the whole school during our gallery walk around eachother's classrooms so that we can celebrate our hardwork, skills and talents!
Further support at home
If you would like to support your child further at home, in addition to the websites listed above, we recommend the Year 3 CGP books that work alongside the national curriculum.
- The 'Key Stage 2' books will contain the ENTIRE curriculum of Y3,4,5&6 and will NOT be suitable.
- If your child needs help embedding the Year 2 curriculum, and is finding the Year 3 content difficult, then the 'Year 2' books would be useful at home to secure this learning and give them confidence in their knowledge foundation.
- For most children, the 'Year 3' book will be the most suitable, as it will work alongside our learning and support them with any new learning they find tricky.
Let's smash Year 3!
Mrs Dewsbury