'Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child's future success' OECD 2022.
The will to read influences the skill and vice versa.
Research suggests that the are three important ways in which you can support your child to develop a love of reading:
- book chats
- family reading time
- reading aloud
I have uploaded a poster to our homework tab that may be of support.
Files to Download
18.10.24 Repeating patterns.pdf 25.10.24 1, 2 and 3.pdf 8.11.24 1 more and 1 less.pdf 15.11.24 - Positional language.pdf 22.11.24 - Composition of 5.pdf 13.12.24 Shape Hunt.pdf 10.1.25 - Representing 0-5.pdf 17.1.25 - Exploring composition to 5 with hidden numbers.pdf 24.1.25 - Measuring capacity.pdf 31.1.25 - Matching 6, 7 and 8.pdf 14.2.25 - Combining 2 groups.pdf 7.3.25 - Measuring Time.pdf 14.3.25 - Ordering numbers to 10.pdf 21.3.25 - Comparing numbers within 10.pdf