Y2 Chester Zoo Trip

Start: 2nd Jul 2024 12:00am

Duration: 1 day

Y2 Chester Zoo Trip – Tuesday 6th July

As part of our learning across the curriculum, Year 2 are heading to Chester Zoo on Tuesday 2nd July. We will be departing school at around 9am to visit the zoo and participate in a workshop. We will return in time for normal end of school collection.

The cost of the trip is £27.90 per child. If you have a zoo membership, the cost of the trip is £14.15 and children will need to bring their pass (or a copy of) with them on the day.

Children will need to wear school uniform with suitable footwear or trainers and waterproof coat.

Please provide a packed lunch and drinks bottle in a backpack. For those usually on school dinners a picnic bag can be provided by the school kitchen but children still need to bring a backpack to school. If you would like to order a school packed lunch, please complete the relevant survey on school spider by 10am, Friday 21st June

Please consent and make payment on SchoolMoney by Friday 28th July. Should you require financial assistance towards the cost of the trip, please speak in confidence with myself or Mrs Badger.

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk