Year 1- Welcome back!!
Date: 6th Sep 2015 @ 11:59am
Hello everyone and welcome to year 1! It has been a fantastic 2 days getting to know all the children. Our focus for these days has been R.E, studing at a piece of artwork called 'Topsy Turvy'. We also listened to song and created some actions! We looked at different stories from the Bible such as David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lion's Den and Feeding the 5000 and how these stories are a bit 'Topsy Turvy' as the opposite happens to what would normally happen! We looked at David and goliath and predicted the ending by comparing the different characters; Goliath wins because he is big and strong but because David believed he had God on his side he was able to defeat Goliath with one shot! The children really enjoyed the story!
Next week we will be finishing off our Topsy Turvy artwork for the hall display and looking at another bible story; Noah's Ark.
In Literacy we will be writing about the summer holidays and beginning our new topic... The Enchanted Woods! In maths we will be Counting, estimating and ordering numbers to 30 and beyond!
PE will be on Monday and Tuesday (for 10 weeks while i take year 5 swimming) and Wednesday.
Our Meet The Teachers meeting is on Monday 14th September, time to be confirmed where I will tell you a little bit about myself and how I teach. I will give you an overview of topics and trips that have been organised.
My school email is