Y4Unicef Day

Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 6:06pm

We spent the day talking about the Rights of the Child. We first discussed our wants and needs and soon realised how lucky we all are when we talked about all the presents we received for Christmas. Although all these presents were wonderful none of them are necessary for us to have a happy and healthy life. We then talked in small groups about what things are necessary and that got us all thinking about stuff we take for granted like a home, caring parents and friends, a place to play, medicines, school and education, clean water and nutritious food as a few examples. The right that we concentrated on was Article 23 Children should have special care and support if they need it. The question the children posed and selected was Why do some people choose not to accept a person with a disability into their group?  I wish you could have listened to the conversation that then ensued, your children were so very mature and confident about this subject. Governments around the world should listen to children and take their advice! Please look at the photos, the art work is not yet finished but I will put some photos on the blog when it is.

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk