Y4 week beginning 25.1.16

Date: 24th Jan 2016 @ 12:09pm

Hello everyone,

It's been a very busy weekend in the Waddington household celebrating a 21st, I hope you have had a great weekend too.

This week we will be beginning work on angles ( acute, obtuse and right angles) and perpendicular and parallel lines. Do you know any of these terms? We will be investigating shapes and letters to see what type of lines or sides they are made up of.

In English we will be using a thesaurus (both a book and the internet) to find synonyms for words that we will be using a lot in our writing on The Winter's Child. Words like sad, happy and cold. Using a shaded ladder we will rate the words on how strong they are eg happy/ ecstatic. Which one of these words is a stronger one to use and when would you use it? We will also define space in the classroom and write on Post its what we can see from the top of the mountain before looking at an image from the book and deciding upon what the characters are thinking, feeling and actually saying. This can then be used to write a short dialogue between Tom and the Winter's Child.

Groups will be swapped in Art and DT, if you started your pouch last week you will be starting your Tudor monarch portrait this week and vice versa. It's great working in smaller groups as we can give you all more time and input when needed.

On Wednesday afternoon you will be researching some inventories left when a Tudor died. Looking at these pieces of historical evidence what can you find out about the person, were they wealthy? What job did they do? Who were they? After you have worked in groups giving your suggestions and reasons you will write an inventory of your own bedroom. What have you got that the Tudors would never have had?

Mrs. Parsons will continue with PE and RE, starting work on your triptych using sacrifice as your stimulus. The work you started last week on electricity will continue this week.

She said you all worked very hard on your Big Write and she is looking forward to marking them. Well done, another opportunity for you to have a good length of time to write.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Love Mrs. W, Mrs. P and Miss M x

PS how is the Takeaway Homework coming along, I am hearing snippets of pieces of work you are doing. Keep it up. Only 2 weeks before the sharing of work!

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

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