Y4 week beginning 20.3.17

Date: 18th Mar 2017 @ 5:27pm

Hello everyone

We hope you are enjoying your weekend even though the weather is not so good. I have just watched a very exciting end to the rugby match between France and Wales. I feel quite exhausted.

it was lovely meeting your parents last week and to tell them all about the progress you have made so far. You must keep this up so that you all reach your full potential by the ed of Y4. 

Money, money, money is the maths topic this week. Obviously this is an extension of decimals as  £7.32 is the same as 7 whole pounds and 32 hundredths of a pound. We will then look at word problems involving money.

Sea of Dreams will continue with a boat journey in a storm and the consequences of a capsize. We will be concentrating on speech and the rules when writing dialogue and an underwater adventure. Who does the character meet and wha do they do?

We need to finish our  boxes that we made during our art day and this could link with an underwater scene. Have a think what you may eye under water whether is fish, plants, wrecks, treasure or mermaids and mermen. How are ou going to make these from cad and fit into your box?

See you on Monday morning.

Love Mrs. W and Mrs. W

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk