Y3 Week Beginning 16.11.15

Date: 15th Nov 2015 @ 10:28pm

Good evening everyone.

It was really lovely to meet all of your parents and I know how impressed they were with your hard work. I recieved an email from Mrs Parsons this morning telling me how fantastic your work was on finding equivalent fractions. Well done to my helping hands - you are taking your jobs very seriously and I appreicate your help in making our classroom run smoothly!

In English you will recieve your Big Write back. You will be given time to up-level it using the marking and the steps to success. We will spend the rest of the week identifying homophones. If the weather holds out this will lead to a treasure hunt in the school forest - fingers crossed! 

The focus in Maths over the next 2 weeks is methods for adding and subtracting. We will start this week by looking at methods for solving addiiton calculations. Partitioning, expanded column method and the column method will be introduced to you. 

We will be completing our map work on Rainforests and you will begin to research the animals that live in the different layers. We will also be starting our new RE topic on Advent. The count down to Christmas is almost here...

Towards the end of the week the whole school will study the text Tell Me A Dragon by Jackie Morris concentrating on the arts. KS2 will spend Thursday and Friday working in mixed aged groups in each classroom over 4 sessions. You will have chance to write poetry and descriptions, dance, do drama, choral speaking, music, sculpture, water colour and experiment with different art techniques. Please try and bring in an old adult T-shirt or shirt to cover your uniform especially on Thursday when it is individual photographs. Write your name inside these shirts as you will be working in a number of classrooms over the days.

Individual/ family photographs will be taken on Thursday starting at 9am. If you would like your child to have an individual photograph as well as one with their siblings please sent in a note otherwise there will just be a family photograph taken. 

Don't forget to go on Mathletics, complete your homework and continuing with takewaway homework activities.

A busy week but lots to look forward to! 

See you in the morning.

Miss Cork

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk