Y5 Week beginning 26.09.2016

Date: 24th Sep 2016 @ 12:07pm

This afternoon we were so busy that we did not finish our blog, so instead of Y 5 I have written this week’s entry.

This week we have concluded our weeks focus on rounding and are now going to look at negative numbers, which will contextualise are focus in geography as we compare the climate and the natural geographical features of the UK and Antarctica.

In English, we have improved Shackleton’s advert and investigated some of the roles aboard the Endurance. Next week, we will write and draft a persuasive letter, to apply for our chosen position. As part of our guided reading rotation, we also started our diaries, which will tell the story of our Antarctic adventure.

Today in R.E, we used freeze frames and hot seating to act to understand the message of Jesus healing the paralysed man. We will continue to think about good news and what how good news can mean different things to different people next week.

This week we also met our buddies.  We welcomed the newest members of the Bunbury family by sharing a book on Monday and accompanying them to assembly. We have also planned another visit next week.

Homework is due on Tuesday and any Basecamp letters need to be returned as soon as possible.

Hope you have a restful weekend,

Mrs Frost

Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

T: (01829) 260524 or 261332admin@bunburyaldersey.cheshire.sch.uk