Reception blog week beginning 18 4 16

Date: 17th Apr 2016 @ 2:35pm

Welcome back to the Summer Term. I love this term for the weather, but always start to feel sad as the class will be moving on. Reception children learn so much when they start school it is always hard to go back to the beginning again in September.

Hopefully we will have some lovely weather. The children will need sunhats and water bottles in school. If you could apply suncream every morning that would be really helpful. There are new products on the market that will last for most of the day. I will put on suncream at school but the bottle must be named. Please give it to the teaching assistants on the gate (or the office). If it is in their bag (unknown to me) children have been known to apply it themselves. I have found them absolutely covered and offering it to other children!

This term we will be looking at castles for the first part of the term. I am sure minibeasts will slip in and othe mini topcs as we go. The children have decided on the topic themselves. We had a planning meeting and asked what they wanted to learn about. If anyone has anything of interest for this topic I would love to see it.

Castles also fits in with The Queen's birthday. We will be looking at two lovely books over the nesxt few weeks, The Queen's Hat and the Queen's Handbag. On Friday afternoon we have our Street tea party. Hopefully it won't rain.

I went to Buckingham Palace Shop to get the prizes and so have supported the upkeep of Buckingham palace!

This week we will be writing about our holiday and what we did, ordering numbers, sharing and making a birthday card for the Queen's birthday.  The winning card to be hung in the village hall. Of course there will be phonics and reading as well as all the activities put out in class.

Please can you work with the children on their reading and numbers. Everyone needs to recognise their numbers to 20 by the end of the term .

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