Year 1 w/b 02.11.15 Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

Date: 7th Nov 2015 @ 8:50am

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely half term! I read all your recounts and it sounds like you had lots of fun!

THANK YOU so much for your wonderful topics! I have them all decorating our window area so your mummy's and daddy's can see them at parents evening. Mrs Todd came in and said they were fantastic! Topics included butterflies, Hedgehogs, badgers, hares and even Australian wallabies and New Zealand Kiwis (Rugby world cup!) The children presented their work in front of the whole class ( thank you to Imogen, Braeden, Penelope and Harry for showing patience... you will be first thing on Monday!) The children spoke beautifully and were able to answer to some difficult questions. If you want to ask a question on the comments below I am sure one of the children can give you an answer! I also loved the different ways they were presented- we had books, powerpoints, posters and even a puppet show and a badger set!

Most of our english lessons have been taken up with the presentations but we still had time to squeeze in a few other things. We also wrote our recount about our half term. We are checking to make sure we have capitals at the start of a sentence and saying a sentence out loud before writing it. This teaches the children to write in 'written language' instead of speech.

The children wanted to learn about bonfire night and Guy Fawkes so we had a wonderful week of drama. They climbed into their time machines and went back to London 1605! I will put some pictures up! After that we retold the whole story as a class and then imagined we were Guy Fawkes hiding in the cellar and how we might feel. Finally, The children were put into team colours and given the opportunity to produced a play about the gunpowder plot...WOW! they were amazing! As soon as i know how to upload a video to the website correctly I will pop it on but I will leave the ipad out a parents evening!

We also made bonfire night safety posters- what are the things we should remember? comment below.

Some children also wrote some beautiful poems about bonfire night and sorted some materials Guy Fawkes might use. A torch or a lantern?

In maths the children have learnt that 2 digit numbers are made up of 10s and 1s. They partitioned 2 digit numbers and wrote an expanded number sentence! eg 64 = 60+4.  Its important they know what a number is made up of. We also practised our ordinal numbers.

Next week we are carrying on with bonfire night and gunpowder plot where the children will be writing WANTED posters, diary recounts and poems. We will also start the shoe boxes!!

HOMEWORK: mathletics: making teen numbers- do this before live mathletics please! Reading: please bring your books in everyday! Starting next week you will have spelling, phonics or grammar homework. Please can you cover your homework books- it can be with any kind of wrapping paper or sticky back plastic! It saves me a lot of time and unfortunately me and sticky backed plastic do not get on!

PARENTS EVENING: in year 1 alot of the activities are pratical. We have a class topic book (including english) and a class maths book where all the photos are. Please leave enough time to have a look at these books as alot of their work is in it. Thursday 5-7 is very busy so please arrive as promptly as you can. I will try and keep to the 10 minutes. If you feel it was not long enough then we can make another appointed later in the term :)

Have a lovely weekend!


Bunbury Aldersey CE Primary School

School Lane, Bunbury Cheshire CW6 9NR

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